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Why You Should Consider Nutritional Rebalancing

Updated: Feb 10, 2021

NUTRITIONAL REBALANCING. What is it? Why does it work? Have you ever invested in a diet to improve yourself, only to rebound - regain all that weight you lost – and feel worse than when you started? You followed the rules, you exercised... how could this be happening? It’s all about understanding the difference between Dieting vs. Cleansing. It can be a vicious cycle... and it’s important to recognize the need to rid your body of toxins and impurities and invest in a "body reset" every once in awhile.

Nutritional rebalancing is a review of the basics of healthy eating and incorporating them into our daily lives. It’s simply a question of eating well (not less). It’s a question of looking at and understanding what you eat. It’s anticipating what has a positive impact on your body and what has a negative effect, and making the right choices. Why does it work?

We all have unavoidable toxins in our body from our environment and food choices, that burden our bodies. And this buildup of toxins can cause physical and mental health challenges including: chronic fatigue, insomnia, food or chemical sensitivities, headaches and diseases. Did you know? A study by research doctors at Mount Sinai Hospital found over 200 industry chemicals in the umbilical cord blood of newborn babies? Scary, I know.

We ingest toxins through our mouths, our lungs, our skin, and via our brain, with the major sources of toxins being:

  1. Food + water: Modern industry has increased harmful ingredients in the food production process.

  2. Environment: Harsh pollutants and pesticides are present all around us.

  3. Beauty + personal care products: Household items and personal care products contain harsh ingredients and toxic chemicals.

  4. Stress + negative thinking: Stress reduces your ability to metabolize and detoxify. Stress can also increase your toxic load by increasing your cravings for high fat, high sugar foods.

But wait? You're probably wondering, 'what is a toxin'? The short, simple answer - anything your body can not use as energy. If the body can't recognize it, it can't digest it, absorb it, or use it as fuel.

So, how does it work?

  1. Fat cells form to protect our vital organs from the toxins and other impurities in our body.

  2. With traditional dieting, the focus is on FAT LOSS which increases toxic density. This triggers the body’s need to create more fat... um hello rebound.

  3. With nutritional cleansing, the focus is on fueling your body with clean, nutrient-rich foods while at the same time lowering the toxins and impurities. This keeps the body naturally lean while managing those toxins.

But it’s really not about weight loss...

Nutritional rebalancing is about finding the right balance for your newfound lifestyle, and the effects are seen far beyond the scale:

  • Optimizing your health: Boost your immune system, improve digestion, increase nutrient absorption, clear your blood and help it circulate better.

  • Increasing your strength and energy: Increase your energy levels, increase physical activity, improve your stamina.

  • Uncovering food sensitivities: Improve your diet, reset your metabolism, reduce food cravings, and reveal those foods that are harming your health.

  • Reversing fatigue, foggy thinking, poor sleep and poor digestion.

Diet is about deprivation, while nutritional rebalancing is about fueling your body with the RIGHT nutrition and detoxing the impurities long term. Once you have found the right balance for you, you will no longer need to rebalance your food intake as you will have a new relationship with food, and the choices you make at each meal.

So what are you waiting for? Who's ready to feel fantastic?

Sounds too good to be true? Have questions?

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